View of the Taipei Skyline with Taipei 101 at night



The 17th Annual Research Conference
Chinese Accounting Professors’ Association of North America (CAPANA) July 8-9, 2025, Taipei, Taiwan

The Chinese Accounting Professors’ Association of North America (CAPANA) invites both members and non-members to submit papers to the 17th CAPANA Annual Research Conference. The objective of the conference is to bring together accounting scholars in North America, Asia, and other parts of the world to discuss a small number of high-quality working papers to promote research collaboration and advancement. The conference is co-organized by National Chengchi University and Singapore Management University and will be held at National Chengchi University.NCCU

PAPER SUBMISSIONS: Papers in all areas of accounting using all methodologies are welcome. Please submit your paper in PDF format on The first page of the submitted PDF file should include author details (i.e., name, institution, and email address). Please note that each submitter is limited to one (1) submission. The submission deadline is March 15, 2025.

In consideration of the international nature of the conference, the working language of the conference is English. Only papers written in English will be considered. Papers by current CAPANA officers will not be considered. Authors will be notified of acceptance by April 15, 2025.

KEYNOTE SPEAKER: Ed deHaan (Stanford University)

BEST PAPER and BEST DISCUSSANT AWARDS: There will be a best paper award of US $1,000 and a best discussant award of US $1,000 voted by conference participants towards the end of conference.

REGISTRATION: The conference is open to all those who are interested in attending. The conference registration details will be posted on the CAPANA website ( in April 2025. A separate email notification will be sent out upon opening of registration. Please also visit the website for past conference programs.

Program Committee

Salman Arif (University of Minnesota)
John Campbell (University of Georgia)
Kun-Chih Chen (National Taiwan University)
Tzu-Ting Chiu (NHH Norwegian School of Economics)
Travis Chow (Hong Kong University)
Liz Chuk (UC Irvine)
Danqi Hu (Peking University)
Sterling Huang (New York University Shanghai)
Shushu Jiang (National University of Singapore)
Ke Wang (University of Alberta)
Lianfen Lee (Boston College)
Scott Liao (University of Toronto)
Miguel Minutti-Meza (University of Miami)
Maxi Muhn (University of Chicago)
Matt Phillips (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
Hojun Seo (Purdue University)
Suhas Sridharan (Emory University)
Chao Tang (Hong Kong University of Science and Technology)
Emma Wang (Cornell University)
Clare Wang (University of Colorado)
Charlie Wang (Harvard University)
Rencheng Wang (Singapore Management University)
Da Xu (Tsinghua University)
Jenny Zhang (University of British Columbia)
Frank Zhou (University of Pennsylvania)